This was to be a full day adventure, and a full day of adventure it turned out to be. One of the huge advantages of the Alpaka packrafts is the size they pack down to, that versatility, combined with a great design was one of the main reasons we chose these as the best solution for us. This versatility was to come into it's own on this trip. While mountain bike riding was our primary passion, being in the bush was where it was at. Combining the Mount Bikes with rafting in a single day promised to be everything we were looking for.
We had planned to start at Buccarumbi (the confluence of the Mann and Nymboida Rv's) about 15 minutes from our place, ride our mountain bikes to Dalmorton, (a once thriving gold mining area, long ago abandoned), just to the west of the Chalendui National Park, some 19km's up the river, with the rafts on the bikes ! I had recently acquired a Freeload rack for my bike, from
Ground Effect
Freeload Rack for bicycles |
the perfect piece of kit to carry something the size of the packraft. I mounted it on my Specialized Epic 29er and had Toni jump on to grab a pic with it all kitted up. While I had the raft strapped to the Freeload, Toni had everything in a larger backpack, not quite as nice to ride this way but easily doable. The breakdown paddles easily fitted in the pack, my lightweight carbon fibre Sawyer paddle is shown in my Camelback HAWG for comparison.
Kitted up ready to go |
Some research had led us to believe the best time to kayak the Boyd Rv was when the flood level gauge was at about 1.5m at
Jackadegry (the closest food gauge, further down the system on the Mann Rv) , we were just under 1.5m, the sunny weather from the last two days had deserted us but while it was overcast, there were still sunny patches.
We left the vehicle at Buccarumbi at about 8am, then started riding taking us 90mins to ride to Dalmorton on the old Grafton - Glenn Innes dirt road.
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While the road is a 4-WD road and not the single track nearly all mount bike riders lust after, it's a superb ride as it follows the river for nearly the entire 19km, there were no difficult climbs but several long gentle ones followed by a few fast descents. We were continually gawping at the great views as the river broiled along side us, taking note of some of the trickier rapids, a couple of the rapids looked to be approaching Grade 3 with the extra water from the recent rains.
The Freeload performed superbly in it's inaugural outing and didn't miss a beat as we rounded the last corner and spied the Dalmorton sign
Arriving at Dalmorton |
We unpacked the gear, I inflated the rafts with the bag inflation device and topped it off with the mouth valve while Toni organised the gear.
Inflating the seat with the mouth valve |
Pack secured with the Alpacka pack-latch system |
Ready to rock 'n roll ! |
After securing the bikes, packing the rafts and doing a final check we headed off
and so it begins |
Putting in at Dalmorton is right on a race, so you are into it from the first paddle stroke, before you get a chance to settle down
enjoying a respite between rapids |
and make the final small adjustments. The top half of he river for this trip seemed littered with mostly grade 1 and 2 rapids, the extra water adding a little more challenge making the grade 2 rapids a little harder, this made the going swift and a lot of fun , with the stability and superb control of the packrafts providing sense of relief
when heading towards boulders in the middle of the rapids. We paddled for about 2 hours
before stopping for lunch on a some sun warmed boulders and enjoying a swim
not long after lunch the weather turned, and alight shower started, this gave me the perfect opportunity to try our my mew Arctyrex rain jacket, which worked to keep me both warm and dry. Toni had her jacket and being very fashion conscious, it even matched her raft !
Rafting through a rain squall |
After lunch we started won river again, unfortunately in my zeal to start rafting I had forgotten to un-clip my Garmin Edge 305, that I use on my mountain bikes and transfer it to the raft. I had loaded up several waypoints to give us an indication of our progress, DOH !
The river quietened from here, with several races and smaller rapids but none of the excellent grade 2 rapids we had encountered before lunch. On the upside this gave us more time to enjoy the prolific wildlife, especially birdlife from the ubiquitous cormorant and blue beaked ducks, to the more exotic eagles and Azure Kingfishers and the occasional tortoise and eastern bearded dragon sunning themselves and the plethora of fish swirling about.
Paddling one of the slower sections |
We had planned on getting in somewhere between 3-4pm,
so we were surprised when 5 rolled around and we still and not spotted the Nymboida Rv, after 7 hours paddling the body was starting to get weary and when we finally rounded the bend at 5:30 and spotted the confluence of the Boyd and Nymboidia rivers (Buccaurambi) it had been a full day but still, a part of you never wants these wonderful experiences to end.
We still had to pack up and drive back up the road to retrieve the bikes but that seemed a doddle after the hours we'd spent riding and rafting.
A thoroughly enjoyable day on a beautiful wild river,right at our back door.